From the Principal

Welcome parents, guardians, carers and friends of St Mary’s College to our Issue 04, 2022 newsletter.

Term Four is always an exciting and action packed term with many wonderful learning opportunities for students at every year level and at every campus. There have been several events for our parents and students to enjoy organised through our partner school such as Year 12 graduation Masses, celebrations of the Eucharist, ceremonies, assemblies and dress up days. There have also been many camps, excursions and school-based activities for our preps to Year 11 students, ensuring everyone is engaged and making the most of these opportunities provided across our campuses.

Of particular importance is the conclusion of formal schooling for our Year 12 students. We are incredibly proud of our VCE students as they now commence their study period in preparation for their VCAA examinations. We are confident that our students will do well in their final examinations as they have been studying conscientiously and consistently over the past year. We are also very proud of our VCAL students, many of whom have already started workplace training or work. The skill and knowledge they have demonstrated in their chosen industry is commendable. I am sure you will all join me in wishing them well.

Learning and Teaching

We have continued to look for opportunities to improve our learning environments for students. Over the holiday break we installed a large shade sail and furnishings outside of the classrooms at the Wantirna South campus to enable learning to spill outdoors during the warmer months. We also installed interactive panels in our classrooms at Ringwood and Wantirna South, designed to make literacy learning more visual and interactive. We anticipate installing further panels at Sunbury, South Morang, Dandenong and Tarneit over the Christmas break.

Finally at this time, I would like to ask that we hold in our prayers and hearts all those affected by the devastating floods in Victoria as they manage the process of rebuilding their homes and livelihoods.

Congratulations Class of 2022

We recognise and congratulate the Year 12 students of 2022. They have come through some of the toughest few years and demonstrated great perseverance.

As our year 12 students come to the end of their secondary schooling at St Mary's College, we extend our warmest congratulations to each of them. Many of them finished their final classes this week and held celebrations at each of our partner schools. We wish them all the best in the pathway they seek!

To the Year 12s of 2022: Seeing each of you strive in your education at St Mary's has made us very proud. The gains you have made are a testament to the hard work and effort you have each shown. Well done, especially through the last two "bumpy" years.

Wild Explorers

The preps had a fun-filled and educational day out at the zoo last week, becoming Wild Explorers and learning how they can respect and care for animals. They engaged their senses and used their inquiring minds to learn about what makes animals special.

ADF Award Winner 2022

Each year the Australian Defence Force recognises Year 12 students who have demonstrated a set selection criteria, above that of their peers.

The Australian Defence Force introduced the ADF Future Innovators Award to recognise a student’s motivation, innovation and achievement in a STEM related field. The ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award, recognises one Year 12 student who has exhibited leadership and teamwork, both within our school and the broader community. This student has also displayed strong values, such as doing one’s best, respect for others, and ‘mateship’ characteristics that are integral to Australian society. The Year 12 recipient of this award receives a certificate and monetary prize of $550 from the Australian Defence Force.

Sarah Jin was awarded both the ADF Future Innovators and the ADF Long Tan Award. It is very rare that a student receives both awards. Sarah is totally committed to her studies and sets herself high standards. She has a passion for Maths and Chemistry and is constantly questioning and problem solving to delve deeper into her study of these subjects. Sarah has never let her hearing loss stop her and she has a fierce determination and desire to contribute to society in a positive way.

Wantirna South Campus News

Here's what's been going on at Wantirna South in Term 4...

Positive Behavior for Learning (PBL)

A big shout out to the students who received three or more PBL acknowledgments this month. These students have made terrific progress this month with their Positive Behaviour for Learning goals. As a result, those that received three or more PBL acknowledgements received prizes.

New Interactive Panels

Wantirna South and Ringwood campus received new interactive panels which has proven to be a great teaching tool to engage students in learning.

Teachers at SMC enjoy creating opportunities for students to take an active role in demonstrating new learning and understanding.

Community Connection

SMC students enjoyed celebrating the unearthing of the time capsule - 27 years in the making with our partner school Holy Trinity. It was great to see past and current students from our school community in attendance for this significant event.


Being a faith filled school, our students from with St Mary’s and Holy Trinity come together regularly to participate in Mass.

Dandenong Campus News

Check out what's been happening...

Short Story Competition

Daniel entered a short story competition and was acknowledged for his efforts. Daniel has been a member of the Youth Leaders Group for Dandenong City Council for the last year and was one of a number invited to submit a personal reflection on an issue important to him. Congratulations Daniel on your writing.


The Year 12 VCAL camp had a focus on sustainability. The class travelled into the city to observe how businesses address issues around sustainability. They also completed an Amazing Race activity in Melbourne CBD and learnt about sustainability projects at the Royal Botanical Gardens.

Outdoor Education Camps

Late in Term 3 the year 9 and 10 students attended exciting outdoor education camps. Exploring the environment and experiencing camping after the restrictions from COVID enabled students to become reinvigorated with nature and explore outdoor life.

This term, the Year 10 students Juan and Daniel were lucky enough to attend a very relaxing and enjoyable outdoor education camp. They visited Pt Leo and were involved in a number of water activities including kayaking, surfing, kite-surfing and beach combing.

Final Days for Year 12s

The year 12s were certainly excited to celebrate and enjoy their final day of school. They celebrated with a whole school assembly and a year 12 BBQ. There were plenty of smiles all around and some tears.

Once again, we congratulate each of them at this special time and wish them all the very best in their journeys beyond the school gates.

Ringwood Campus News

What's been happening this term at Ringwood...

Dot Shaw Young Writer's Award

Congratulations to Rosalee who was the winner of the Upper Secondary Dot Shaw Young Writers competition. We encourage you to take the time to read Rosalee’s story titled 'Silence', a wonderful example of her excellent writing skills.

Silence - By Rosalee

New Interactive Panels

Teachers have been eagerly learning about and using the new Interactive panels installed at our Ringwood Campus.

These panels will increase student engagement and enable more interaction. Teachers and students are able to edit documents on the screen and have the ability for numerous students to be working on the screen at the same time.

Teachers are in the process of making new resources that will enhance Learning and Teaching and help learning come alive.

Celebrating Diversity

Diversity is celebrated in the school and students are always encouraged to become involved. Here Ryan is creating his own personalised identity poster for display to highlight our student’s cultural diversity.

Students were also encouraged to participate in R U OK? week with a chat and a Kit-kat.

Grade 6 to Year 7 Transition

Late in term 3 the year 9’s welcomed our new year 6 students who will be starting with us as fabulous year 7 students for 2023. This is always an exciting but also nervous time for the students and their families. The year 7s wrote them letters of welcome.

Year 10 Gala

The year 10 Gala was a highlight for the students this term. They progressively learnt dances in the months leading up to the event and then celebrated together sharing their dancing skills with their family.

Ryan looked dashing and enjoyed himself with his family and Tilly also had a great time and looked stunning in the photos.

Year 12 Graduation

The year 12 graduation is always a time of both celebration and sadness. The students displayed their Art and Media work and also celebrated the night with families.

South Morang Campus News

What's been happening at South Morang this term?

School Sleepover

Our Year 4’s enjoyed a sleepover night at school. They were treated to dinner and a film before settling down in the fitness centre. This is the first chance our students have had since covid to experience this event which is always a highlight of the year.


Year 6 students were proud to showcase their amazing work for the Term. Parents/Carers and extended family members were welcomed onsite to celebrate all the learning that occurred this term, building a strong sense of community.

Sacrament of Confirmation

Year 6 celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation at St Francis of Assisi Parish.

Book week

For Book week our students dressed up as characters from Harry Potter and a soccer star. Little Miss Sunshine joined the parade!

Fathers Day

Primary school students purchased gifts for Father’s Day.

Year 4 Learnings

The Year 4’s completed a unit of work about Indigenous people.

Multi-Award winner!

Sarah Jin received 4 excellence and 3 Endeavour awards for her academic achievements.

On the Tools

Year 11 VET students have been learning to use hand and power tools, as well as learning how to assemble steel and aluminium scaffolding. Ibrahim designed and made a chopping board, using a variety of tools and carpentry skills.

Year 12 Final Days

Yr 12’s enjoyed their final few days of school with the dress up parade, final Mass and graduation and the Valedictory Dinner at Plenty Ranges Convention Centre.

Swimming Lessons

The Year 7’s are participating in 5 weeks of swimming lessons as part of their Sport program.

Year 11 RE Excursion

Our Year 11 students visited a Jewish Synagogue before attending the Solemn Mass for the 125th Anniversary of the Consecration of St Patrick’s Cathedral in East Melbourne. The purpose was to enhance student experiences with other places of worship.

Sunbury Campus News

Term 4's happenings at the Sunbury Campus...

Early Start for the Arts

Practical VCE exams started early with our Year 12 student, Mykaela completing both her Music and Drama exams.

Work Experience

Our Year 10 students have had the opportunity to learn new skills through real life work experience. Jordan volunteered at the local primary school library.

Rosetta undertook a day-long barista course. Her coffee was very good and by the end of the day she had swayed even our most discerning coffee drinking staff!

Wild Action Zoo visited our junior Science classes and Jagan thoroughly enjoyed learning about the role of various animals in food chains and the ecosystem. He was keen to feel the texture of the animal's body coverings from the slimy skin of a frog to the harder covering of the lizard.

Tarneit Campus News

Have a look at what's been happening this term at Tarneit...

Janith Graduates!

SMC celebrates Janith’s last year of school as he embarks on the last hurdle, exams. Last week, Janith enjoyed the fun activities that marked the end of six years of study. He is now focused on studying for his final exams. We wish him all the best.

Varied Learning and Experiences

One of the great advantages of St Mary’s being part of our partner school community is the variety of learning experiences they can get involved in. Marlan joined his classmates for the Year 8 Shine Camp. Over three days, students learned resilience and teamwork skills as well as familiarizing themselves with living in the native environment. Activities included archery, mountain biking, map reading, cooking, and a treetop obstacle course. Everyone had a wonderful time.

New Child Safety & Wellbeing Policy Student Poster

Standard 3 of the Child Safety Standards requires schools to actively empowered children and young people in knowing their rights to be safe. In response, we have produced an easily accessible, helpful poster for our students that can be found in our campus classrooms.

Have you logged onto St Mary’s College PAM?

The Parent Access Module of SIMON (PAM) allows you to conveniently access your child’s reports, assessment results, update medical information, notify student absences, give permission for excursions and communicate directly with St Mary’s College teachers. If you need help with your login details or how to access PAM, please don’t hesitate to contact Lexie at our administration office on 03 9800 2733 or ask your Head of Campus.

Ringwood Campus News

What's been happening this term at Ringwood...

Mini Saundry

Deputy Principal Curriculum


Dot Shaw Young Writer's Award

Congratulations to Rosalee who was the winner of the Upper Secondary Dot Shaw Young Writers competition. We encourage you to take the time to read Rosalee’s story titled 'Silence', a wonderful example of her excellent writing skills.

Silence - By Rosalee

New Interactive Panels

Teachers have been eagerly learning about and using the new Interactive panels installed at our Ringwood Campus.

These panels will increase student engagement and enable more interaction. Teachers and students are able to edit documents on the screen and have the ability for numerous students to be working on the screen at the same time.

Teachers are in the process of making new resources that will enhance Learning and Teaching and help learning come alive.

Celebrating Diversity

Diversity is celebrated in the school and students are always encouraged to become involved. Here Ryan is creating his own personalised identity poster for display to highlight our student’s cultural diversity.

Students were also encouraged to participate in R U OK? week with a chat and a Kit-kat.

Grade 6 to Year 7 Transition

Late in term 3 the year 9’s welcomed our new year 6 students who will be starting with us as fabulous year 7 students for 2023. This is always an exciting but also nervous time for the students and their families. The year 7s wrote them letters of welcome.

Year 10 Gala

The year 10 Gala was a highlight for the students this term. They progressively learnt dances in the months leading up to the event and then celebrated together sharing their dancing skills with their family.

Ryan looked dashing and enjoyed himself with his family and Tilly also had a great time and looked stunning in the photos.

Year 12 Graduation

The year 12 graduation is always a time of both celebration and sadness. The students displayed their Art and Media work and also celebrated the night with families.

Prep Enrolments for 2026

Until May 25th this year we are taking enrolments for Prep in 2026 at Wantirna South & South Morang. Successful applicants are guaranteed a place at their secondary campus!

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